Here is the SQL view.. Also, when I format the date, I'm asking it to give
me the MONTH, not just the date. Thanks so much!!!
SELECT "COMPANY" AS Company, [dbo_vBilling_Visits-TMC002-OGA].DateOfService,
[dbo_PatientVisitProcsTMC002-OGA].RVU, Format([DATEOFSERVICE],"mm/dd/yy") AS
FROM [Date Range], [dbo_vBilling_Visits-TMC002-OGA] INNER JOIN
[dbo_PatientVisitProcsTMC002-OGA] ON
[dbo_vBilling_Visits-TMC002-OGA].PatientVisitID =
WHERE ((([dbo_vBilling_Visits-TMC002-OGA].DateOfService) Between [FROM DATE]
And [TO DATE]));
I have a date format of 01/01/09 12:59:59 AM
Where is the above data at when you format it?
When I run the query, the 01/01/01 field is put into the table as a text field.
What kind of query is it? What is the data type of the field in the table?
Post the SQL of your query that puts it in the table. Open query in design
view, click on VIEW - SQL View, highlight all, copy, and paste in a post.
I have a date format of 01/01/09 12:59:59 AM that I formatted to be
01/01/01. When I run the query, the 01/01/01 field is put into the table as
a text field.. this screws with my crosstab when I sort ascending...