Change a border's appearance (Word 2007)?

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Hi! I am working in Word 2007.

I have a document that has a square border (on every page).

Is there a way to change the bent corners (that create the square) to
rounded corners (for a different look)?

As always, thank you to everyone for help and input.

Hi, Heather,

Not using the page border feature. You can accomplish the aim, however, by
inserting a Rounded Rectangle shape into the header/footer layer. Right
click the shape, choose Format AutoShape, and set the fill to No Fill or set
it to transparent (or send it behind the text).
You posted the identical question with two different subject lines. Isn't
that going to make it difficult to track the answer? I answered your most
recent question... since that's the one I encountered first.
Hi, Herb.

I did as you suggested by I did not find a rounded rectangle shape as an
option in the header/footer pull down. I see styles or names listed, like
austere, cubicle, motion, and so on. Can you help me to find the rounded

Thanks again!

Perhaps I was assuming too much. In the Insert ribbon tab, click Header -
Edit Header. Use the Zoom tool (on the status bar or in the View ribbon tab)
to display the whole page (about 60% usually does it).

Click the Insert ribbon tab again. Now, click Shapes - Rounded Rectangle
(6th from the left in Basic Shapes). This turns the mouse pointer into a
plus sign... drag to insert a rounded rectangle that takes up the same
position as a page border would; release the mouse button when it's the
correct size. You can resize and move as needed to make it the desired size
and position.

Right -click the edge of the shape and choose Format - AutoShape. In the
Colors and Lines tab, set Fill Color: to No Color. You can set the line
color/style/weight/etc. now, or use the Drawing Tools - Format ribbon tab
later to change the color/weight/etc. of the border as needed. Click OK.

Click the Header & Footer Tools - Design ribbon tab, then click Close Header
and Footer.

If you need to adjust the size/position, return to Header - Edit Header in
the Insert ribbon tab, select the border, drag, etc. Use the yellow handle
(might be hard to spot) to change the amount of rounding at the corners.

Done this way, the shape will be repeated in the same way as other
header/footer material, governed by the settings in Page Setup dialog
(Layout tab), and depending on whether you have multiple document sections
that use the same or a different header.

Herb Tyson MS MVP
Author of the Word 2007 Bible
Eureka! Thank you, thank you Herb (and Beth who also responded). This worked

Now for one more question: how can I remove a header but not the footer on
page two of a document.

I have created electronic letterhead with the company logo appearing at the
top of the document in the header and the company name and address appearing
in the footer.

However, I do not think it's proper to have the logo appear at the top of
the second page, but it is proper to have the company name/address at the
bottom of the second page.

Any suggestions? Thanks again!!

Glad to hear you have what you want, almost anyway. :-)

In regards to your question about the different first page header, here are
the steps you need:

- Insert a temporary page break by pressing Ctrl + Enter. (This will allow
you to set up the header/footer on the first page and subsequent pages.)
- Edit the Header/Footer again (right-click the Header area and then click
Edit Header)
- On the Design tab of the contextual Header and Footer tools, on the
Options group, click Different First Page
- Copy the content you want from the Header/Footer (the content that will
start on page 2) to the First Page Header/First Page Footer and delete what
you don't want from the Header/Footer. You'll see each section identified on
the left below the header and above the footer. To Navigate the sections,
either scroll between them or use the Next Section/Previous section in the
Navigation group.
- Close the Header and Footer
- Delete the page break you previously entered.

When you use your template, if subsequent pages are needed the second
footer will automatically display. If subsequent pages aren't needed then
you won't see the second footer. It's pretty slick, actually. :-)

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

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