Phill W.
OK, I've asked nicely before; now I'm going to throw down the gauntlet
to anyone brave enough to take it up.
In VB'2005, can anyone write me a class that inherits from
System.Data.DataTable, add it to a System.Data.DataSet (a /normal/ one,
/not/ a subclass), serialise the whole lot to, say, a file and then
deserialise the whole shooting match back into the classes they started
with? (All my attempts seem to lose all the Type information on the
DataTable-derived calss in the serialisation process).
I've tried to do this repeatedly (in VB'2003 and '2005) with no success.
I'm not looking for the page and pages of XML Schema "stuff" created by
a Strongly-typed Dataset (although I'm afraid that's where I'll wind
up). I'm /trying/ to get a Strongly-Typed DataTable that can exist
within any old DataSet.
Is this possible in VB'2005? (It wasn't in '2003).
Phill W.
to anyone brave enough to take it up.
In VB'2005, can anyone write me a class that inherits from
System.Data.DataTable, add it to a System.Data.DataSet (a /normal/ one,
/not/ a subclass), serialise the whole lot to, say, a file and then
deserialise the whole shooting match back into the classes they started
with? (All my attempts seem to lose all the Type information on the
DataTable-derived calss in the serialisation process).
I've tried to do this repeatedly (in VB'2003 and '2005) with no success.
I'm not looking for the page and pages of XML Schema "stuff" created by
a Strongly-typed Dataset (although I'm afraid that's where I'll wind
up). I'm /trying/ to get a Strongly-Typed DataTable that can exist
within any old DataSet.
Is this possible in VB'2005? (It wasn't in '2003).
Phill W.