I have a list of CF cards on my site
(http://www.seanliming.com/flashhelp.html) that other developers have been
using with XPe. SimpleTech is becoming very popular alternative.
We use the SiliconDrive CF from Silicon Systems http://www.siliconsystems.com/silicondrive/index.html
It's superior to Sandisk in terms of reliability and performance.
Sandisk has told us they they will not continue producing Industrial
Compact Flash as it is not financially worth it to them.
Isn't that funny, since they always charged two or three times more than the
other Industrial CF folks.
We are using Silicon Systems now, and they seem to perform better, although
I have a couple of systems out for 2 years now with the original Wally
World, cheap retail version, camera style, compact flash cards and they are
still working just fine.