I have problem with booting XPe from a onboard CF reader,I tried every
posible option from formating card with FAT,FAT32,NTFS FILE SISTEM,making
FDISK ,then formating ,then BOOTPREP.EXE all sucesfull but still can't boot
XPe from CF. I even tried to change bios disk options from AUTO to
User,LBA,CHS, changed cylnders, head precomp values still no change,changed
CF from master to slave, even tried different values in Target Device
Settings in Target Designer when building images for testing and no
effect.Only what I get is "Error loading operating system" or "disk error" ,
"ntdrl is missing"....
Tried few methods of copying data on CF from external CF-reader to copiyng
with onboard CF-reader with DOS,I even Installed XP pro on SBC84500 (took
all day for install) on hard disk just to copy data in XP with onboard
CF-reader.There is no problem accesing data on CF just wont boot XPe. I
don't have problems when booting DOS or some lite versions of Win98 from
CF,it is working perfectly.Please help CF is 256MB(tried with others) ,board
SBC84500VEA bios Ver.A18.1F.0 (10/09/2003-GXm-Cx5530-SBC84500C-00).
Any sugestions?
Thanks in advance!!
Semir Hadzic
posible option from formating card with FAT,FAT32,NTFS FILE SISTEM,making
FDISK ,then formating ,then BOOTPREP.EXE all sucesfull but still can't boot
XPe from CF. I even tried to change bios disk options from AUTO to
User,LBA,CHS, changed cylnders, head precomp values still no change,changed
CF from master to slave, even tried different values in Target Device
Settings in Target Designer when building images for testing and no
effect.Only what I get is "Error loading operating system" or "disk error" ,
"ntdrl is missing"....
Tried few methods of copying data on CF from external CF-reader to copiyng
with onboard CF-reader with DOS,I even Installed XP pro on SBC84500 (took
all day for install) on hard disk just to copy data in XP with onboard
CF-reader.There is no problem accesing data on CF just wont boot XPe. I
don't have problems when booting DOS or some lite versions of Win98 from
CF,it is working perfectly.Please help CF is 256MB(tried with others) ,board
SBC84500VEA bios Ver.A18.1F.0 (10/09/2003-GXm-Cx5530-SBC84500C-00).
Any sugestions?
Thanks in advance!!
Semir Hadzic