Harry Simpson
Been reading the Mobile Dev Handbook book and they go through the whole line
of gotchyas about threading and then mention the BackgroundWorker class that
Moth wrote/embellished that wraps all the checks - I looked at it and the
blog stuff says "for CF 1.0" etc but other places acts like it'd work with
CF2 - question is - do those of you using threads use this 2004 dll from
Moth or is there a better mousetrap out since that was introduced?
of gotchyas about threading and then mention the BackgroundWorker class that
Moth wrote/embellished that wraps all the checks - I looked at it and the
blog stuff says "for CF 1.0" etc but other places acts like it'd work with
CF2 - question is - do those of you using threads use this 2004 dll from
Moth or is there a better mousetrap out since that was introduced?