M magic 8 bizall May 4, 2004 #1 in my class we are studying win 9x, 2000, and xp, which should we concentrate the most on for the A+ OS cert?
in my class we are studying win 9x, 2000, and xp, which should we concentrate the most on for the A+ OS cert?
J Jim Macklin May 4, 2004 #3 Look it up on the A+ website, they tell you. A few years ago they dropped DOS and I heard that NT wasn't there anymore. If your teacher can't answer the question, you're paying far too much for the class. see http://www.comptia.org/certification/A/default.asp -- The people think the Constitution protects their rights; But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome. in message | in my class we are studying win 9x, 2000, and xp, which | should we concentrate the most on for the A+ OS cert?
Look it up on the A+ website, they tell you. A few years ago they dropped DOS and I heard that NT wasn't there anymore. If your teacher can't answer the question, you're paying far too much for the class. see http://www.comptia.org/certification/A/default.asp -- The people think the Constitution protects their rights; But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome. in message | in my class we are studying win 9x, 2000, and xp, which | should we concentrate the most on for the A+ OS cert?