Certain Web site not opening


Gerry Viator

Hi all,

Unable to open a certain web site www.foxnews.com. I have tried many things.
I have cleared all cach files, temp files, offline files,
checked security settings on restricted sites. I can
pull up this site on any other pc in the office. I cannot
open this web site on my machine. I can open any other
web site.

please help

using Windows xp, all latest patches, IE6 with all latest patches.


H Leboeuf

It may be a HOSTS file problem.
Look for a file named HOSTS (no extension, could be hidden) rename it

If still no joy can you give us the exact error message is any.

Check your Java Support
Found out what version you have and you should be able to get what you need.

Check your Java Support
Found out what version you have and you should be able to get what you need.

Henri Leboeuf
Web page: http://www.colba.net/~hlebo49/index.htm

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