Certain web site domain ( yahoo ) images will not show up



I have a WinXP Pro PC that is now experiencing difficulties. No matter what
browser the user uses, they cannot view photos displayed within the
www.yahoo.com domain.

Has anyone experienced any of this before? Since it is experienced by all
browsers, I am assuming it is either the client's PC or the our firewall?
BUT I have ruled out the firewall due to that other people can view the
images just fine from the www.yahoo.com domain.

Any suggestions on where to look or go from here?

Appreciate any help or insight.


Try.... going to internet Options, clicking the Advanced tab, scroll
down to Multi media and ensure the box thats marked 'Show picture's'
is ticked, clik apply and then OK..... note I did say try, meaning
that it could be some other setting.

If this box is ticked you end up with no images but just a little red
cross in the box where the image should be, think you'll find thats
it's more likely a setting that's the cause.


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