Certain Sites Load VERY Slow or Not at All


Don Cohen


I've got a very peculiar problem with my desktop computer. When I go to the
Delorme website or support forums, pages are exquisitely slow to load, and
the forum pages never complete loading fully. The problem doesn't seem to
be with their site, since I can access these same pages just fine when using
my laptop, or my daughter's computer, all plugged into the same cable-modem
connection as my desktop, through a hub/switch.

All 3 systems are Win XP Home/SP2, with all critical updates installed. The
system having the problem is a 3 year-old Gateway 2.2 GHz Pentium 4, 1 gb
RAM, with ample hard drive space available. Both SpyBot S&D and AdAware SE
are run regularly, and have been run recently, along with NAV2005, and no
virus, worms, spyware, etc. are found. It is running IE 6.0

It is just these Delorme sites that exhibit this problem, with all other
sites loading extremely quickly on my fast cable-modem. In face, PC PitStop
usually clocks me in excess of 4000 kbps download most of the time.

I have tried:
Clearing the Internet Cache and History
Deleting any Delorme-related Cookies
Clean re-boot
Empty Recycle Bin

None of these have had any effect. I kind of recall having the same problem
in the past with Delorme's pages, but it went away as mysteriously as it
came, and at the time I assumed the problem was with their site.

I'm at a loss as to what could be causing this behavior, and would
appreciate any suggestions.

Photo Website at:

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Are the internet settings the same on all of your computers and are they
running the same software? (ie antivirus,spyware etc)

Yves Leclerc

Did your try to reset your DNS cache on the Gateway?

Start --> Run: ---> CMD ---> ipconfig /flushdns

Don Cohen

Are the internet settings the same on all of your computers and are they
running the same software? (ie antivirus,spyware etc)

Yup. All the systems are pretty much set up, configured and maintained the
same way.

Pretty puzzling...

Any thoughts welcome.

Photo Website at:

[Remove the "lens cap" for email]

Don Cohen said:

I've got a very peculiar problem with my desktop computer. When I go to
Delorme website or support forums, pages are exquisitely slow to load,
the forum pages never complete loading fully. The problem doesn't seem
be with their site, since I can access these same pages just fine when
my laptop, or my daughter's computer, all plugged into the same
connection as my desktop, through a hub/switch.

All 3 systems are Win XP Home/SP2, with all critical updates installed.
system having the problem is a 3 year-old Gateway 2.2 GHz Pentium 4, 1 gb
RAM, with ample hard drive space available. Both SpyBot S&D and AdAware
are run regularly, and have been run recently, along with NAV2005, and no
virus, worms, spyware, etc. are found. It is running IE 6.0

It is just these Delorme sites that exhibit this problem, with all other
sites loading extremely quickly on my fast cable-modem. In face, PC
usually clocks me in excess of 4000 kbps download most of the time.

I have tried:
Clearing the Internet Cache and History
Deleting any Delorme-related Cookies
Clean re-boot
Empty Recycle Bin

None of these have had any effect. I kind of recall having the same
in the past with Delorme's pages, but it went away as mysteriously as it
came, and at the time I assumed the problem was with their site.

I'm at a loss as to what could be causing this behavior, and would
appreciate any suggestions.

Photo Website at:

[Remove the "lens cap" for email]

Don Cohen

Hi Yves,
Did your try to reset your DNS cache on the Gateway?

Start --> Run: ---> CMD ---> ipconfig /flushdns

Interesting thought; something I wasn't aware of. I just flushed it
successfully, and retried the sites, but no difference, unfortunately.

What setting could there be that would just be effecting only these
websites? It's not like it can't access them, or can't find them. It finds
them just fine, but loads them as if I were on a 14.4 k DUN on 50 year-old
phone lines.

Thanks for the reply and suggestion. Any other thoughts welcome.

Photo Website at:

[Remove the "lens cap" for email]

Don Cohen said:

I've got a very peculiar problem with my desktop computer. When I go to
Delorme website or support forums, pages are exquisitely slow to load,
the forum pages never complete loading fully. The problem doesn't seem
be with their site, since I can access these same pages just fine when
my laptop, or my daughter's computer, all plugged into the same
connection as my desktop, through a hub/switch.

All 3 systems are Win XP Home/SP2, with all critical updates installed.
system having the problem is a 3 year-old Gateway 2.2 GHz Pentium 4, 1 gb
RAM, with ample hard drive space available. Both SpyBot S&D and AdAware
are run regularly, and have been run recently, along with NAV2005, and no
virus, worms, spyware, etc. are found. It is running IE 6.0

It is just these Delorme sites that exhibit this problem, with all other
sites loading extremely quickly on my fast cable-modem. In face, PC
usually clocks me in excess of 4000 kbps download most of the time.

I have tried:
Clearing the Internet Cache and History
Deleting any Delorme-related Cookies
Clean re-boot
Empty Recycle Bin

None of these have had any effect. I kind of recall having the same
in the past with Delorme's pages, but it went away as mysteriously as it
came, and at the time I assumed the problem was with their site.

I'm at a loss as to what could be causing this behavior, and would
appreciate any suggestions.

Photo Website at:

[Remove the "lens cap" for email]

Don Cohen

The problem below is unchanged. Any other thoughts on the origin of this
problem greatly appreciated.

Briefly, when I try to access www.delorme.com or http://forums.delorme.com
the sites are found, no error messages are generated, but they load
extremely slowly. The forums site never completes loading, and eventually
times out. See the original post, quoted below, for further details.

I have tried:

ipconfig /release then ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
emptied IE Cache
powered down computer, switch and cable-modem; unplugged cable-modem and
then powered up all devices
deleted all Delorme cookies

I am at a loss as to what could be causing this.

Any suggestions appreciated.

Photo Website at:

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