Panda looks like it is working ok. It does not find the trojan on a scan.
Why is that?
The problem with centinel.vxd is not being caused by the presence
of a trojan. It's caused by a bug in panda. When you search for
centinel.vxd on google, the trojan descriptions are showing up, because
centinel.vxd is in the list of av software, that the trojans try to shut down.
Is the trojan still on my system? If so, what is to stop it doing the same
thing again when I reinstall Panda.
Although I obviously cannot guarentee that you don't have a trojan, the
hanging of centinel.vxd on shutdown, appears to be a known problem
for panda, that is usually corrected by a reinstall.
The hanging is not an indication that you have a trojan on your computer.
I commonly transfer files (mainly doc avi and mp3 files) between the 3 PCs I
own via an SD card. Can I pass the trojan from one PC to the other by this
Transfering data files (that really are data files<g>) will not transfer a trojan,
no matter what media or connection method you use for the transfer.
You could try the cleaner from
to see if it finds any trojans, and/or try the procedures on
to help ensure your computer is trojan free.
Regards, Dave Hodgins