Hi all
How can I turn the content of a series of cells into a string that will be
used at VBA writefile command .
The Idea is to generate a text file for a series of cells in excel with VBA.
Here is a snippet of VBA code to provide you with an example
-- you will need to modify this just a bit for your application ...
' Initialize a variable for the text file path
FilePath$ = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & _
' Get a free file number
FileNum& = FreeFile
' Open file for processing
Open FilePath$ For Output As #FileNum&
With Sheet1
' Loop through the rows
For r& = 1 To LastRow&
' Clear the string
ThisLine$ = ""
' Loop across the columns with the content to be appended to
the string
For c& = 1 To LastCol&
' Concatenate the contents of each cell across the row
ThisLine$ = ThisLine$ & Trim$(.Cells(r&, c&).Value)
' Apply a delimeter character between the fields
If c& < LastCol& Then ThisLine$ = ThisLine$ &
Next c&
' Write the string
Print #FileNum&, ThisLine$
Next r&
End With
' Close the file
Close #FileNum&
Hope it helps you !
- Rodney POWELL
Microsoft MVP - Excel