cell value based on another cells formula???

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lance1961
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Ill try to make this clear and in Excell-ese as much as possible! But I am
new. Thanks for your time.

I need to have a value from a formula in a cell, say u20, placed into
another cell, say c9.

said another way... I want a value to be placed in a cell without that cell
containing a formula or being directly inputted to.

Sounds like an easy task, however Im told this is not do-able. Im not
buying that.

Put this formula in C9:


Why do you not want a formula in C9 ?

Hope this helps.

Sounds like an easy task, however Im told this is not do-able. Im not
buying that.

Well you had better start buying it because there are only 2 ways:-

1. A formula in U20 =C9
2. VB code which seems like gross overkill for wat you want

Thanks Pete,

Its simply a matter of the stubborn users and their adapability to change.
Currently they use a sheet where c9 is an input cell for them. Im adding a
more user friendly feature (one that automatically calcs the value in c9).
However I still need the sheet to function as it originally did.
WOW you guys are fast! Thanks. What formula would work?

The one I gave you

which would go in U20

You're welcome, Lance - thanks for the explanation.

As Mike said, the alternative is a macro, which your users might not
take to. You could always lock that cell, so users can't overwrite the
formula in there, and then in time they will get used to not having to
enter data into C9.

Thanks man I appreciate your and Mike's time.

You nailed it on the macro thing! My company is a lot of freelance people so
I have no handle on their Excel setup. So no VB, no macros, and no add-ins!
And, Id rather try to teach a cat to use a toilet (loo) than try and re-train
my users! This program is so powerfull in almost every respect, I cant
believe there isnt a simple "c9=u9" function!
Thanks again.


P.S. Ill let you know IF I ever find a " 'round the barn" solution! That
would translate to an extremly convoluted, path to the answer! LOL!