Cell Validation



I notice that if I set Data Validation I cannot stop a user from copying over
the cell from another cell outside the validation range and breaking the
validation of the cell copied over. Then on another note if the user copies
a cell from a different file it will accept the input but will keep the
original validation parameters with potentially incorrect data that does not
fit the original validation.

My first thought was to protect the worksheet and limit access to only
unprotected cells. But that is not even close to being a solution because
the user will have many unprotected cells they could copy from and / or could
open a different file and copy from it.

This is causing major problem. Is there a way to make the cell hold the
original validation and test the validation regardless of where the copy is
coming from?

Thank you for your help.



Don't let them copy. You can disable <Ctrl><V>, as well as the Paste
function, and then enable it on closing the worksheet


Thanks for the repsponse. But on some things I will want them to be able to

I thought there might be something about protecting Data / Validation cells
that unless the cell being copied has the same validation setup it cannot be
copied to it.

Tom Ogilvy

No. That is a limitation of Validation. It is handled almost the same as a
format. Also, validation will not examine an entry already in a cell. Only
while it is being entered manually (by editing the cell).

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