Cell reference



Should be a simple answer, but cannot figure it out. Column A1:A10 shows
1,2,3,4...10 respectively. Column B has text in each cell adjacent to
1,2,3,4...10. If a cell in column B has no text, I want the adjacent cell in
column A to show no number at all. I want the cell to be blank. But if there
is text that goes back into the cell, I want it to reflect the 1,2,3,4...(the
number it should be). Hope it makes sense. Thanks again.


Use conditional formatting

Set the conditional format of cell A1 to Formula Is:

and pick a font color that matches the backgrouind color.

If the cell in column B is empty, the value in column A will apear to vanish!


I am sure that this would do the trick, however, in an earlier posting, today
I am trying to accomplish maybe something way out of my reach. Let me run it
by you and maybe you can point me in the right direction. I still want to
not have anything show in A1 if B1 is blank. The formula I have in there now
is =IF(B1=FALSE,IF(B1=FALSE,Z7,0),"1"). However in C1 I have a formula
=A1&","&A2&","&A3&","&A4&"" This seems to be working fine except when the
cell is blank it leave a 0 in C1 (whichever 1 through 4 is blank in column
A). Any thoughts?


Pete Elbert said:
.. However in C1 I have a formula

For an automated neater display, put instead in C1:
=SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(A1&" "&A2&" "&A3&" "&A4)," ",",")


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