I have 2 sheets where the 2nd sheet has 5 columns. All 5 columns mak
cell reference to first sheet(which has formulas).
Now i need to hide the rows in the 2nd sheet since it shows 0, unti
some calculation is made & the result is put up. The rows should pop u
only when it has the result value.Until then it should be hidden.
[The 0's are shown becoz it has cell reference to 1st sheet, whic
contains formulas
cell reference to first sheet(which has formulas).
Now i need to hide the rows in the 2nd sheet since it shows 0, unti
some calculation is made & the result is put up. The rows should pop u
only when it has the result value.Until then it should be hidden.
[The 0's are shown becoz it has cell reference to 1st sheet, whic
contains formulas