I have a macro that allows you to select a two columnn
range and then uses the left cells text to name the right
cell with the following command
mcell.Name = mystring
Is there a programmatic way to update the list excel uses
in the address cell of the formula bar.
I have a rather large file that now when this is run the
cell is named, but the name only shows up using the f3
command. If you use the cell in a calculation, it just
gives the cell reference. If you click on the named cell,
it doesn't show up in the address cell of the Excel
formula bar. If I manually name a cell by clicking the
cell and then typing in the address cell of the formula
bar, the named cell works as it should, inserting the
name whenever it is used in a formula.
range and then uses the left cells text to name the right
cell with the following command
mcell.Name = mystring
Is there a programmatic way to update the list excel uses
in the address cell of the formula bar.
I have a rather large file that now when this is run the
cell is named, but the name only shows up using the f3
command. If you use the cell in a calculation, it just
gives the cell reference. If you click on the named cell,
it doesn't show up in the address cell of the Excel
formula bar. If I manually name a cell by clicking the
cell and then typing in the address cell of the formula
bar, the named cell works as it should, inserting the
name whenever it is used in a formula.