Mike H said:
I need an Excel 2003 formula: If the first cell contains
the letter Y then a second cell will display a name
contained in a third cell - The second cell needs the
If "Y" will be the entire cell value, then in the second cell (A1 and A3
represent the first and third cells):
=if(A1="Y", C1, "")
Note that this returns the null string ("") if A1 does not contain "Y", a
condition you neglected to cover.
If "Y" will always be the first character of the cell, then:
=if(left(A1,1)="Y", C1, "")
If "Y" might be anywhere within the cell, and you want to recognize "y"
(lowercase) as well, then:
=if(isnumber(search("y",A1)), C1, "")
If you want to recognize only "Y" (uppercase), change SEARCH to FIND, and
change "y" to "Y". But note that the other two formulas recognize match "y"
and "Y". See the EXACT function if you need to distinguish between them.