Amber wrote......
Bingo! Does exactly what I want. Thanks.
That lead me to another question:
Suppose I had a limit of 3 characters and one cell had a value of 1234 and
wanted to round to 123?
How could I format the whole column so that 1 would look like 001 but 1234
would look like 123?
Try the following steps...
1) Create a helper column (an additional column)
2) Format Helper column as per Ken's instructions
3) Put in a formula in the form =IF(LEN(A1)>3, A1/((LEN(A1)-3)*10),A1)
4) Copy down the column (you now have the solution)
If desired, you can overwrite the original column
5) Copy helper column
6) Select original column
7) Edit | Paste Special | Values
Please note, if you have values with decimals, this solution WILL NOT work.
That is 123.456 will not work.
If your numbers are other than the form 1234, please let us know.
Best regards,