Cell Format - Date


Jerid B

Excel 2003.
I have a previous made spreadsheet from someone.
The date cells are listed like this: 112807
The format is general. The date should be 11/28/07
However when I change the format to date it comes out like this: 11/07/08
How can I fix this? This is a huge spreadsheet so rekeying everything would
take a VERY long time.

Thanks in advance, Jerid

Gord Dibben

The format order has to do with your Windows Regional settings for shortdate.

Either change that setting or, within Excel, select the 112807 and Data>Text to
Columns>Next>Next>Column Data Format>Date>MDY and Finish.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Conan Kelly


What do the dates for January-September look like? 13107 (mddyy) or 013107

What do the dates for the first 9 days of each month look like? 11107
(mmdyy) or 110107 (mmddyy)?

If "mmddyy" for all dates, then enter this in a blank helper column:

(I'm assuming your date column is column D starting in row 2, my helper
column is going to be column G)
In G2, use this formula:
Copy/fill G2 down to the end of the date list in column D
Select G2:G[last row number]
select D2
paste special > values
format D2:D[last row number] to the desired date format
delete helper column (column G)

This will only work if you have both 2-digit months & 2-digit days. If
something else, we might be able to adjust it to get it to work.



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