Cell Content from UserForm Not Retained



Hello again:

I'm a novice user and I have a created a UserForm for placing certain
contents into particular cells. The problem is when I save and exit Excel
and come back into the same workbook, if I click that cell the UserForm pops
up as expected, but if I do not make a selection and close (click the close
button, red 'x') the userform or cancel the userform the cell contents from
the previous save disappear and the cell is blank. I would think the cell
contents should stay as is until I put some information into the cell.

Is there a way to keep the cell contents when I reopen Excel (from a
previous save)and launch the userform, do not make a selection, and close or
cancel the userform?

Kind regards,


Bob Phillips

There is probably some code in the userform closedown that populates that
cell, and if it is blank, it will populate it with blank. Test for blank
before offloading to the sheet.

Post back with userform code if you need more help.



Thanks again! On my activesheet I just initialized that variable to the
current cell contents prior to calling the userform.

Kind regards,


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