I would like to add some code into the UDF below to
change background and font colors depending with value is
I do NOT want to simply use CONDITIONAL FORMATTING as I
will have more than just these 3 cases in the example
Does anyone have some pointers as to what lines of code
need to be added for changing background color to
e.g. "red" and font color to "white" if case 1 is met?
Thanks in advance,
Function Number(Test As String)
Select Case Test
Case Is = 1
Stoplight = "Red"
Case Is = 2
Number = "Yellow"
Case Else
Number = "Green"
End Select
End Function
change background and font colors depending with value is
I do NOT want to simply use CONDITIONAL FORMATTING as I
will have more than just these 3 cases in the example
Does anyone have some pointers as to what lines of code
need to be added for changing background color to
e.g. "red" and font color to "white" if case 1 is met?
Thanks in advance,
Function Number(Test As String)
Select Case Test
Case Is = 1
Stoplight = "Red"
Case Is = 2
Number = "Yellow"
Case Else
Number = "Green"
End Select
End Function