cdoPR_HTML_BODY in a custom form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sonal Gupta
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Sonal Gupta

Hi Guys,
I am using OL-XP [SP3] on win 2k.
For one addin, I have created a custom form
On Item_close() of that form, am trying to use CDO to access MAPI
properties and save them(coz otherwise it is throwin up that security
dlg box).
I also hav to get the items HTML body.Using Item.HTMLBody is again
throwin the sec dlg box.
So While accessin cdoPR_HTML_BODY (0x1013001e) am gettin the
Can any one temme whats missing???

You're using the property tag 0x10130102?

See if you get anything using 0x10090102 (PR_RTF_COMPRESSED).
Hi ken,
Yes am getting PR_RTF_COMPRESSED prop and value.
But i hav to extract the HTML part (which otherwise i am getting from
Item.HTMLBody) .Now how to do that?
Just one more doubt.Actually, is PR_BODY_HTML exchange server version
dependent.Because from the same outlook ..for one profile i am getting
PR_BODY_HTML for msgs...but on dif profiel on diff ecahnge server this
prop is missing!!! am confused.


You're using the property tag 0x10130102?

See if you get anything using 0x10090102 (PR_RTF_COMPRESSED).

Sonal Gupta said:
Hi Guys,
I am using OL-XP [SP3] on win 2k.
For one addin, I have created a custom form
On Item_close() of that form, am trying to use CDO to access MAPI
properties and save them(coz otherwise it is throwin up that security
dlg box).
I also hav to get the items HTML body.Using Item.HTMLBody is again
throwin the sec dlg box.
So While accessin cdoPR_HTML_BODY (0x1013001e) am gettin the
Can any one temme whats missing???

It shouldn't be Exchange version dependent, at least not if the lowest
Exchange version is 5.5. It works here with EX 5.5 and 2003. I don't have
Exchange 2000 installed but it should work.

If PR_HTML is blank you could always check PR_RTF_COMPRESSED. Look over the
data you get from that using a tool like OutlookSpy ( or any
other MAPI viewer. You will see the entire HTML wrapped in an RTF wrapper.

One thing, PR_HTML is a PT_BINARY, are you retrieving it as a BYTE array and
converting that array into a string?

If you look at the beginning of PR_RTF_COMPRESSED it would look something
like this. You can easily see the beginning of the actual HTML:

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\fromhtml1 \deff0{\fonttbl
{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}
{\f1\fmodern Courier New;}
{\f2\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}
{\f3\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier New;}
{\f4\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}
{\f5\fswiss Tahoma;}}
\uc1\pard\plain\deftab360 \f0\fs24
{\*\htmltag243 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0
{\*\htmltag3 \par }

Stripping out the RTF tags and getting the values of the "htmltag" tags
would give you the original HTML from the TNEF wrapper.