i have a big trouble trying to filter only Messages having certain category.
I succeeded in filtering String, boolean or MessageClass types of fields.
For example string:
Set oFiltr = oMessages.Filter
oFiltr.Fields.Add myproptag, 8, val
and works perfect.
Also boolean works fine
oFiltr.Fields.Add name, 11, True
However if I want to filter Categories, neither of the following works:
oFiltr.Fields.Add proptagcateg, 8192, "category"
oFiltr.Fields.Add proptagcateg, 8, "category"
oFiltr.Fields.Add proptagcateg, 8192, field_categories_containing_my_one
oFiltr.Fields.Add proptagcateg, 8, field_categories_containing_my_one
the Messages.Count skips to zero instead of expected number
Do I have at least some workaround for the solution to work quickly enough
(I am afraid of Outlook object model, Restrict would work I guess) if there
happen to be more items in the given category ?
Please help me, there are only examples with strings but it is not possible
to find a single example for keyword types.
thanks a lot for any hint
i have a big trouble trying to filter only Messages having certain category.
I succeeded in filtering String, boolean or MessageClass types of fields.
For example string:
Set oFiltr = oMessages.Filter
oFiltr.Fields.Add myproptag, 8, val
and works perfect.
Also boolean works fine
oFiltr.Fields.Add name, 11, True
However if I want to filter Categories, neither of the following works:
oFiltr.Fields.Add proptagcateg, 8192, "category"
oFiltr.Fields.Add proptagcateg, 8, "category"
oFiltr.Fields.Add proptagcateg, 8192, field_categories_containing_my_one
oFiltr.Fields.Add proptagcateg, 8, field_categories_containing_my_one
the Messages.Count skips to zero instead of expected number
Do I have at least some workaround for the solution to work quickly enough
(I am afraid of Outlook object model, Restrict would work I guess) if there
happen to be more items in the given category ?
Please help me, there are only examples with strings but it is not possible
to find a single example for keyword types.
thanks a lot for any hint