CD writer wont write



I'm not able to write to my CD drive but I can view and read from it. I'm
using WIN XP. I ran trouble shoot and it says everything is OK. What should
I do?


Eric said:
I'm not able to write to my CD drive but I can view and read from it. I'm
using WIN XP. I ran trouble shoot and it says everything is OK. What should
I do?

What program are you using to write to it?


CD burners have two lasers, one to read and the other to burn/write data.
It's possible that the laser used to write data to a CD has gone bad.



Eric said:
windows explorer - cut & paste
Get a 3rd party program like CDBurnerXP, Nero, Roxio, etc.
Trying to write with XP is like doing your own brain surgery.
CDBurnerXP is just one of many freeware programs. I like Nero.
Most drives and pre-installed OS's come with some CD Burning Software.
You might already have something like Sonic or Nero installed.


Thanks BIG AL! It worked great.

I had Nero already installed and never used it. I was used to cutting &
pasting it and that's the only way I knew to do it. I'm not sure why I can't
do it that way but now I know differently.


Eric said:
Thanks BIG AL! It worked great.

I had Nero already installed and never used it. I was used to cutting &
pasting it and that's the only way I knew to do it. I'm not sure why I can't
do it that way but now I know differently.

Most conversation on these NG's suggests you are not the only person
having this issue. If you have Nero, your worst issue is the learning
curve. Have fun.


Eric said:
Thanks BIG AL! It worked great.

I had Nero already installed and never used it. I was used to cutting &
pasting it and that's the only way I knew to do it. I'm not sure why I can't
do it that way but now I know differently.

If you have Nero, then you have InCD... a subset of Nero that allows
you to cut and paste.

Check it out.


Eric said:
I'm not able to write to my CD drive but I can view and read from it. I'm
using WIN XP. I ran trouble shoot and it says everything is OK. What should
I do?

Right click the drive select properties,click the recording tab and be sure
"Enable cd recording for this drive is checked". I had the same thing happen
to me once and somehow that check box got unchecked. Windows cannot write to
cd if that box is unchecked but other software can.

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