CD-RW READ Only blocked?



Why is my rewritable CD read only blocked? When I try to unblock it after
selecting the file and hitting Properties, and then unchecking Read Only, a
dialogue box appears using the term "atrtributes" preventing the unblocking.

Otto Moehrbach

All files on a CD are Read-Only. You should never open from or save a file
to any removable media. Copy the file from the CD to your hard drive and
then change the attribute as you wish. Then when you copy that file from
your hard drive and put it back to the CD, it will again be Read-Only. HTH


Otto Moehrbach said:
All files on a CD are Read-Only. You should never open from or save a file
to any removable media. Copy the file from the CD to your hard drive and
then change the attribute as you wish. Then when you copy that file from
your hard drive and put it back to the CD, it will again be Read-Only. HTH

Unfortunately this "Rube Goldberg" solution does not work.!

Lady Layla

Now why would you call this a convoluted method

A CD -- or floppy or thumb drive is not meant to have data flowing back and
forth to it on a real time basis. They are simply storage devices for files at
a particular point in time.

Copying the file from the CD to your HD, working on the file, saving it to your
HD and then copying it to the CD is actually smart computing. You therefore
have 2 copies of a file in case one gets corrupted.

: "Otto Moehrbach" wrote:
: > All files on a CD are Read-Only. You should never open from or save a file
: > to any removable media. Copy the file from the CD to your hard drive and
: > then change the attribute as you wish. Then when you copy that file from
: > your hard drive and put it back to the CD, it will again be Read-Only. HTH
: > Otto
: > : > > Why is my rewritable CD read only blocked? When I try to unblock it after
: > > selecting the file and hitting Properties, and then unchecking Read Only,
: > > a
: > > dialogue box appears using the term "atrtributes" preventing the
: > > unblocking.
: >
: >
: > Unfortunately this "Rube Goldberg" solution does not work.!

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