CD RW Data Disk Detail View



I saved a bunch of mp3s to a CD-RW data disc using Nero. When I go to view
the contents of the disc using Windows Explorer, I cannot see any details
besides file name, type, date and size, even when I specify them on the
Details Options. When I copy the files back to my hard-drive - the detail
info is again visible. What gives? My problem is that the view of the mp3s on
the CD-RW is sorted by file name and is therefore a total jumble - I can't
organize them by artist, title, album, track #, etc. Is this standard for
Windows Explorer? Is their a file utility out there which would allow me to
view and sort on detail fields? Please help - even if it is only to suggest
another forum for this question. Thanks, brooklynspo - Norwalk, CT USA


Double Post - Please ignore - sorry

same post under CD Deatail View and Sort - from brooklynspo

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