I simply want to download some pictures from my c drive on
to a cd and for some reason cannot. My d drive will read
an audio cd and I can download pictures from a kodak cd,
etc., but when I put in a new cd-r disc so I can download
the pictures, it acts as if there is no cd in the drive.
What's with this "download" stuff???? You download stuff rom the Internet,
you don't download stuff onto a CD-R disk. Also, you don't "download"
pictures from Kodak CD, you _read_ the picture files that are on it. (And of
course you can _copy_ pictures from the CD to your hard drive.) Your misuse
of the terminology indicates you don't understand what the CD-RW drive is
supposed to do for you, or how it works. I'm not surprised you can't figure
out what's wrong; bad terminology always messes up understanding. But that's
OK, we're here to help you.
So pay attention! There will be a pop-quiz following this lesson.
First of all, do you have CD-RW (read-write) drive? Or just a plain CD-ROM
(read only) drive? If you have CD-RW drive, you should have a paper or online
("Help") manual on how to use it. And you should have a program that will do
what you want. If you have CD-ROM drive, it will _not_ write files onto CD-R
disk, no matter what.
Secondly, what you do with a CD-R disk is _write_ stuff onto it, just as you
_write_ stuff onto a hard disk or a floppy disk. ("Copy" and "move" both
_write_ a file onto the target disk.) To do that, you need a CD _writing_
program. Do you have one? What is it? What happens when you try to use it?
Note that because of different encoding rules for picture files, audio files,
and regular files, you have to know exactly what you want to do. You can
write some files onto a CD-R disk, and leave it "open" so you can add more
files later. Or you can "close" it, which means you can _not_ add more files
later. So if you want to copy pictures onto a CD-R disk, you have to plan
ahead. You can copy a complete CD onto a CD-R. Oh, yeah, have a Sharpie or
similar pen handy, so you write on the CD-R disk. Otherwise you'll forget
what's on it. How do I know? Don't ask! I now number every CD-R disk before I
put it in the drive, and record the number etc in a little black book. Took
me a while to learn that...
Post back with more information, please.
Best Wishes,
Wolf Kirchmeir, Blind River ON
"Not that brains are everything --
you'll also need a skull to put them in." (Nancy Franklin, 1997)
<just one w and plain ca for correct address>