CD-R / DVD-R Writing Issues



I have tried two writers on this instalation of windows - A Liteon (40/12/48)
that has worked fine in the past, and an I/OMagic (8/8) DVD-R/RW - I always
get a write error. (never very specific, sometimes the comptuer slows down to
almost a hault and the processor runs at 100 down to 0 and oscilates like
this until I have to hard reboot my machine because it's near imopssible to
use my mouse)
Used Nero, Windows, Adaptec, Pinnacle.
Tried diagnostic startup throught msconfig.
Tried different CDR discs.
Tried system diagnostics through windows and norton and no conflicts were
No Spyware or Viruses found
Drive READS CDs and DVDs fine.
System restore didn't work either.

Any other ideas? It almost seems hopeless (other hardware issue? reinstall

Please help!

Thanks so much =]



Have you tried more Patience?

Are you burning disks at high or low speed, please give

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