I've got a IP4000 and live in the UK but towards the end of the year I will
be spending time between the US and UK. I'll have a look for them in theUk
nearer the time and if the trays turn
out to be cheap in the UK, i'll buy 50 and stick them on ebay at a sensible
price, although by then you may have a new model which gives you cd priint
anyway :/
I've heard rumors they plan to release a CD printing model, but they
are just rumors. Let's face it, how happy would you be if a perfectly
good £35 printer jumped up in price to £75.00. I can hardly find
printable media in our shops.
Also keep in mind the fact that even if we get models that will print
on CD, canon isn't likely to keep up with demand. Hell epson can't
keep up with demand for their trays and they sell them with the printer
here. I almost resorted to ordering one from e-bay for $15.00, an item
epson gives out free on demand.
Fair warning about getting them in the UK. From my understanding you
can only buy them from service shops, and their supply is limited to a
handful. The max i've seen people order them is in units of 10. If
you're interested here are the part numbers
QL2-0605-000 - CD/DVD tray
QM2-1239-000 - CDR tray base unit (rollers) € 1.99? (Netherlands)
QA4-1117-000 - 8 cm adapter for pocket size media
I've seen quotes that ordering them in units of 10 and shipping them
cross the pond costs USD$24/unit total. I'd hazzard to guess that
would make just the tray a sub £10.00 item. $24 was said to include
all three trivial pieces where only the tray is the nessicary one, tray
and adapter are nice for those who print on tiny discs, rollers are
those too lazy to push in the tray manualy. Easy enough to find
service centers form the canon website, just painful for Yanks trying
to order them when they require cheque transfer from a local bank, COD,
and don't accept credit cards or ship overseas without a £50.00
processing fee, which is more than I paid for my printer in the first
But needless to say you'd be doing someone a favor if you can buy a sub
£10.00 item and selling it for £16.50. That's only a 1/2 tank of gas
these days, but hey will get you where you're going.