Are there printers that can print on any CD, even ones that have been
previously printed commercially (silkscreened)? I thought you could only
print on the special coated discs to do it but someone is telling me
Thermal printers can print on any CD surface. The "ink" is actually a
melted wax, so the effect is very similar to professional silk
screening. Some work like inkjets by melting the wax pellets/crayons
and spraying the melted wax. Some use ribbons, and use a process
similar to the old dot matrix printers to transfer the wax to the
surface. The upside of thermals are that you can print on any CD
surface, the results are very professional looking, it's dry as soon
as you pop it out of the printer, and it's waterproof. The downside
of thermal technology is that the printers are expensive, as is their
"ink", and the affordable units with pricing below $1000 are typically
Inkjets CD printers require you to either use specially coated discs,
or apply an adhesive inkjet label to the surface of the target disc.
The upside is that you can get the same level of print quality as you
can with the paper inkjets, so you've got a lot of colours available
and you can do photo realistic prints. The drawbacks, aside from
having to use special print surfaces are that the inks aren't usually
waterproof, it's quite obvious it was printed on an inkjet, and it
takes several hours to fully dry. While I wouldn't consider them
cheap to buy or run, they're MUCH cheaper to buy and use than thermal
CD printers.
Just be aware that if you intend to print over a previously printed
disc, you still need to cover up the previous printing. I'm aware of
no printers that put any sort of "base coat" to cover up what was
there previously. You'd probably have to stick an adhesive label on
the disc if you want to do that, regardless of the technology you
choose to employ.