fitwell wrote:
John Corliss wrote:
fitwell wrote:
No offense taken. Was just curious. I knew you didn't do it out of
malice. 80)>

Wasn't complaining about you posting a preference, of course. Just
thought that the program was kinda limited. On the other hand, it does
make nicely decorative menus unlike my suggestion.
That's too bad, I'd like both in a freeware. Mind you, I didn't find
CD Autorun limiting for what I used it, which was mainly to make
"installation" CDs for my friends. They don't know how to install
apps, and I had a lot of freeware to share, so made them up something
they could use as if it were a regular software CD that they'd just
put in the CD-ROM drive and an installation menu would come up with
all the choices and gave them easy access to a help file which I usu.
make in text or rtf format and PDF format.
The other type of thing I made with it is I burned MP3s, i.e., one
time 112 songs, plus CoolPlayer to a CD and built a menu to help user
get easy access to playing the songs right away. That one was pretty
In both types of cases, a "decorative" menu was mandatory because of
the visual aids making it easier to use. The mouseovers were the only
thing I added that were strictly decorative. I put several "icons" at
the top of one where audio segments could be played. These were made
by converting a few MP3s to wav, cutting and fading at the end.
Really, really neat.