You may want to test by downloading the latest drivers from the hardware's
Update Microsoft Windows Updates
Start | Shutdown
Unplug the "Problem" hardware, scanner, printer, camera, etc. (after the PC
is off and the power cable unplugged)
Reboot into Safe Mode
Use control panel to remove the "Problem" hardware's drivers / software
Control Panel | System Properties | Device manager | to remove the "Problem"
Reboot into Normal Mode
Reinstall the latest drivers / software for your hardware.
Start | Shutdown
Re-plug the cables into the hardware
Reboot into normal mode
The Windows ME or XP OS (Operating System) should install the correct
On the General Properties tab of the device, click Troubleshoot to start the
Troubleshooting Wizard.;en-us;310123#XSLTH3542121122120121120120
On the General Properties tab of the device, click Troubleshoot to start the
troubleshooting wizard.
You will find much more info at:
(316529) CD-R Drive or CD-RW Drive Is
Not Recognized As a Recordable Device
(324129) HOW TO: Troubleshoot Issues
That Occur When You Write Data to a CD-R
or CD-RW Optical Disc in Windows XP
" the irrepressible revolutionist."
Regards, Gary 'Doc' Adams @ LsuEdu @
Louisiana @ 314.479.8201
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