CD has no sound...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Adela
  • Start date Start date


(MS WinXP Home SP2; MS Office XP; OE 6; IE 6; Dell Dimension XPS T450MHz
Pentium III; 385MB RAM; AVG Free Version 7.5.503; spybot S&D; ad-aware;
cable modem; WordPerfect8; Lexmark Laser printer "Optra E310"; Windows Media

Hello, I hope I'm in the right forum...

I have Windows Media Player. Today I tried to play a simple CD and there
was no sound. Thought it was a defctive CD so I tried another one and again
no sound. I tried 3 disks and the same thing. Would anyone know why and
how to fix?

Thanks ever so much! Adela
Thank you for the link Pa Bear. I'm reluctant to confess bcause my face is
all red, but...just realized that I failed to turn on the speaker. But I
appreciate your help a lot which will come handy if a real glitch happens in
this area. :o) Adela
No problem, we all have our CRS moments.
Thank you for the link Pa Bear. I'm reluctant to confess bcause my face
all red, but...just realized that I failed to turn on the speaker. But I
appreciate your help a lot which will come handy if a real glitch happens
this area. :o) Adela