CD Detail View and Sort



I'm kinda new to this mp3 stuff -this question is so basic that I
hesitate to ask... but here goes...

In order to clear up some hard-drive space I moved a whole bunch of
mp3s on to CD-RW data disks using Nero. I thought everything was going
fine, but when I go to view the contents of the disks using Windows
Explorer it turns out I cannot see any details except file name, type,
date and size - even when I specify them on the Details Options. (but
when I copy the files back to my hard-drive - the detail info is again
visible!) What gives?

My problem is that the view of the mp3s on the CD-RWs is sorted by
file name and is a total jumble - I can't organize them by artist,
title, album, track #, etc. Is this standard for Windows Explorer? Is
there a file utility out there which would allow me to view and sort
the CD files on detail fields? Otherwise I'm going to have to load
everything back on the hard drive and rename all these mp3s perfectly.

Please help - even if it is only to suggest another forum/group for
this question.

Thanks, brooklynspo - Norwalk, CT USA


I'm kinda new to this mp3 stuff -this question is so basic that I
hesitate to ask... but here goes...

In order to clear up some hard-drive space I moved a whole bunch of
mp3s on to CD-RW data disks using Nero. I thought everything was going
fine, but when I go to view the contents of the disks using Windows
Explorer it turns out I cannot see any details except file name, type,
date and size - even when I specify them on the Details Options. (but
when I copy the files back to my hard-drive - the detail info is again
visible!) What gives?

My problem is that the view of the mp3s on the CD-RWs is sorted by
file name and is a total jumble - I can't organize them by artist,
title, album, track #, etc. Is this standard for Windows Explorer? Is
there a file utility out there which would allow me to view and sort
the CD files on detail fields? Otherwise I'm going to have to load
everything back on the hard drive and rename all these mp3s perfectly.

Please help - even if it is only to suggest another forum/group for
this question.

Thanks, brooklynspo - Norwalk, CT USA

MP3 files have "tags" that store the artist name, album name, etc. Windows XP
is able to read the tags and display it in Windows Explorer. Audio CDs do not
have this same function, however many CDs do have CD-Text. You can download a
free CD-Text viewer from my site.
Disclaimer: CD-Text Manager is developed by someone else. I am donating the web

If you want to rename MP3s, and edit the tags, you can use MP3tag, which is
The best software on the market for this task is Tag&Rename.

Feel free to contact me via e-mail if you need more help.


Galley - thanks for trying to help, but I think you are addressing reading
CD-Text on Audio CDs. My CDs are Data Discs - basically Mp3 files stored on
CD RW without any folder structure or playlist info. For some reason - which
still escapes me - the MP3 tag info is not available to Windows Explorer when
reading off the disc.

I have sort of figured out a workaround - using Musicmatch to create
something called an mp3 Disc (I always thought an mp3 Disc was simply a Data
Disc with mp3s on it... oh well). This format gives me the option to
automatically create a folder structure based on tag info and it includes a
playlist which determines play order. This helps big time going forward -
but I am still looking at re-loading and re-burning a bunch of CDs.

Still perplexed as to why Explorer or some other File Manager (I know there
are better ones out there cannot access the tag info on the Data Discs. I
would really like to be able to sort on these other fields. I know the info
is on there - somewhere.

Thanks again. B.


Galley - thanks for trying to help, but I think you are addressing reading
CD-Text on Audio CDs. My CDs are Data Discs - basically Mp3 files stored on
CD RW without any folder structure or playlist info. For some reason - which
still escapes me - the MP3 tag info is not available to Windows Explorer when
reading off the disc.

I have sort of figured out a workaround - using Musicmatch to create
something called an mp3 Disc (I always thought an mp3 Disc was simply a Data
Disc with mp3s on it... oh well). This format gives me the option to
automatically create a folder structure based on tag info and it includes a
playlist which determines play order. This helps big time going forward -
but I am still looking at re-loading and re-burning a bunch of CDs.

Still perplexed as to why Explorer or some other File Manager (I know there
are better ones out there cannot access the tag info on the Data Discs. I
would really like to be able to sort on these other fields. I know the info
is on there - somewhere.

Thanks again. B.

OK, now I understand. Anyway, the tag info displays fine for me on an MP3 data


Really!? What do you think I could I be doing wrong that the info is not
available on my MP3 Data Disks?



Really!? What do you think I could I be doing wrong that the info is not
available on my MP3 Data Disks?


Dunno. I see the tag data in Tiles view, as well as Details view. In details
view, you may need to right-click one of the column headers to select which
fields to display.

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