CD data now unreadable

Dec 31, 2009
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I tried to use one of my CDs in a friends computer and udfrchk.exe and 2 other files have been written to the CD. This is now preventing me from reading the original data.

From other threads from several years ago, there was a suggestion that a utility called isobuster could be purchased and run to make the original data viewable again.

Is this still the only solution, or is there another way of removing these 3 files and restoring the CD to it's original state please?

Windows XP
How did it get on there?
If Iso buster is the only program you can find then try it. I'm sure you can find a trial version out there
On loading the CD, I got a window asking me to install UDFREADER, so I did, not realising it would add something to the CD.