I've had a look at Cathy. It's good, but it's not really what I need. The
defunct shareware app -- CDStore 98, for any who know it; no longer
supported by the author :-( -- was to catalogue a music CD collection.
Each record included info like CD title, date of issue, label, composer/s
(I mostly collect classical music), performers, price, place bought, and
so on. Of course, most of that info I had to enter manually (which is
why I don't want to have to repeat the exercise!). It then enabled me to
print off a complete catalogue for insurance purposes, for example.
Maybe I should just import the DBF file into Access or Paradox. But if
anyone knows of a freeware music CD collection catalogue app, I'd really
like to hear about it.
Maybe this?
CD Database 97
This is a database that runs under MS Access 97 only.You can enter detailed
information of your CDs including the name of the CD, artist name, length,
music style, record company, date of purchase, record store, record store
phone number, price and the web url of the record company or the band. In
addition to these, there are two other databases included, one being the
artists database in which new artists should be updated with respect to the
various categories of music. The other one is the record store database,
where one can enter the record stores the CDs were purchases from. All of
these databases are linked to each other, enabling a nice, easy and fun to
use database. The databases are based on relationships inorder to prevent
redundancies and incorrect information. It is also possible to prepare a
report on the fly. Overall, the ultimate CD collection database with lots
of features, yet easy to use