CD Burning Problems - Cannot delete temporary files in staging area


Martin Johnson

I am using a Dell Dimension 4550 with Windows XP Home
Edition. I am using the drag and drop method of burning
files to the CD Writer. Over the past month or so, I am
experiencing a problem wherein files are left in the CD
Burning staging area after a successful burn. When the
CD burning wizard finished, it attempts to delete the
temporary files stored in the staging area, but then
receives an error message that the files are in use by
another person or program. If I try to physically delete
the files in Windows Explorer, I receive the same error
message. I am certain that no other programs are
running. I continually update my anti-virus program, so
I am hopeful that it is not virus related. Any help you
can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Martin Johnson

Yes, but once that batch is deleted and another started
the next time I drag and drop to the CD burner, the same
thing happens. For some reason, any new files added to
the staging area remain there as if some other program is
controling them.


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