Oh boy, that's the BIG question. I've been looking for years now.
Even all the commercial ones don't do this properly. MusicMatch
Jukebox, believe it or not, came the closest to doing the best job
though it was very SLOW and didn't accept my LFNs.
In my case, I'd settle for an app, like BTTB, that would just
_analyze_ what needs to be burned (preferably by just dragging and
dropping files AND/OR folders into it) and then would _group_ them by
the size we specify to be burned. Preferably it would choose the
optimum combination of apps so we "burn to the brim"! <g> Also, if
one could just then drag and drop the sections into our burning app of
choice, now _that_ type of app would be PL candidate immediately! <g>
Sounds simple enough, eh? No-one seems to have come up with a simple
app like this. _Yet_ (hint said:
Not exactly what you want, but probably the next best thing - Burn to the
Brim -
"Burn to the Brim is an open-source freeware program designed to make
selection of files to optimally fill a CD a breeze."
Little Girl and I tried this one extensively over several weeks
(archives would probably show the thread. It was a long one about a
year ago or so).
We never got it to work properly (despite _helpful_ hints from a
certain unpleasant individual, I might add <g>). It's garbage in my
view. But give it a try. Just because a few people couldn't get it to
work doesn't mean everyone has that trouble. But I hate it myself
when after one dl something very hopefully it turns out to be
extremely cumbersome to work with. And this one takes the cake as one
of the worse <g>.
Good luck, though. If you do find a solution, _please_ report back to
the group.