Gary UK
Not sure if this is the best place for this post, but here
I've seen CCleaner mentioned within this newsgroup many
times, so I thought I'd give it ago, it has come up with
many issues, the third tab on the right, I'm not sure on
what to do with them. Can anyone help me out with general
help on what I should be doing with them, I'd hate to run
it and it remove something it needed.
Thanks in Advance, sorry if in the wrong place.
Gary, UK
I've seen CCleaner mentioned within this newsgroup many
times, so I thought I'd give it ago, it has come up with
many issues, the third tab on the right, I'm not sure on
what to do with them. Can anyone help me out with general
help on what I should be doing with them, I'd hate to run
it and it remove something it needed.
Thanks in Advance, sorry if in the wrong place.
Gary, UK