Bryan Hughes
I have a problem with a combo box that is baffling me.
I have a new client entry form that checks for matching criteria before
continuing. If matching criteria is found, user is informed and can open
another form to view matching results.
In the matching results form openargs are passed from first form and
separated and converted into appropriate data types.
In On_Load event, evaluates criteria and assigns a value, depending on the
criteria match (Full Name, Last Name, DOB, Like Last Name).
Part of the On_Load event is :
strOpenArgs = Forms!frmNew_Case_Match_Results.OpenArgs
varArg = Split(strOpenArgs, ",", , vbTextCompare)
strFN = CStr(varArg(0))
strLN = CStr(varArg(1))
varDOB = varArg(2)
varTest = varArg(3)
Me.[txtFN] = strFN
Me.[txtLN] = strLN
strLikeName = Left(Me.[txtLN], 1), this is then the value for a control
Me.[txtLikeName] = Nz(strLikeName, "")
Depending on the value using a Case statement in the OnLoad event, a strSQL
string is loaded for a cbo.rowsource showing clients and ID of matching
criteria. This works fine except with the like last name criteria.
It is supposed to load all clients with the same first letter of the last
If last name is entered as 'N' all last names with the letter N show in cbo
If last name is entered as 'Na' only last names with the Na show in cbo.
If last name is entered as 'Names' no names show in cbo.
I cannot figure out the problem.
Here is the strSQL used for the Like Criteria:
strSearch = Nz(Me.txtLikeName.Value, "")
Case Is = 5
strSQL = "SELECT [CDID], [CFID], [FN] & ' ' & [LN], [LN] "
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM tblClient_Details "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE [LN] Like ='" & strSearch & "*' "
strSQL = strSQL & "GROUP BY [CDID], [CFID], [FN] & ' ' & [LN], [LN]
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY [LN];"
What is the problem?
I have a problem with a combo box that is baffling me.
I have a new client entry form that checks for matching criteria before
continuing. If matching criteria is found, user is informed and can open
another form to view matching results.
In the matching results form openargs are passed from first form and
separated and converted into appropriate data types.
In On_Load event, evaluates criteria and assigns a value, depending on the
criteria match (Full Name, Last Name, DOB, Like Last Name).
Part of the On_Load event is :
strOpenArgs = Forms!frmNew_Case_Match_Results.OpenArgs
varArg = Split(strOpenArgs, ",", , vbTextCompare)
strFN = CStr(varArg(0))
strLN = CStr(varArg(1))
varDOB = varArg(2)
varTest = varArg(3)
Me.[txtFN] = strFN
Me.[txtLN] = strLN
strLikeName = Left(Me.[txtLN], 1), this is then the value for a control
Me.[txtLikeName] = Nz(strLikeName, "")
Depending on the value using a Case statement in the OnLoad event, a strSQL
string is loaded for a cbo.rowsource showing clients and ID of matching
criteria. This works fine except with the like last name criteria.
It is supposed to load all clients with the same first letter of the last
If last name is entered as 'N' all last names with the letter N show in cbo
If last name is entered as 'Na' only last names with the Na show in cbo.
If last name is entered as 'Names' no names show in cbo.
I cannot figure out the problem.
Here is the strSQL used for the Like Criteria:
strSearch = Nz(Me.txtLikeName.Value, "")
Case Is = 5
strSQL = "SELECT [CDID], [CFID], [FN] & ' ' & [LN], [LN] "
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM tblClient_Details "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE [LN] Like ='" & strSearch & "*' "
strSQL = strSQL & "GROUP BY [CDID], [CFID], [FN] & ' ' & [LN], [LN]
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY [LN];"
What is the problem?