Beware: your batch files will not run after installing
this beta product, and I found no way to allow them to do
I tried to configure (and re-configure, and re-re-
configure!) the appropriate Agent settings to allow my
batch files to run, to no avail.
I also waited in vain for an opportunity to flag a
particular batch file as OK to run when Mr. Beta stopped
it, again to no avail.
I uninstalled this product and will continue to use
Yahoo's AntiSpy until I see a production version of MS
this beta product, and I found no way to allow them to do
I tried to configure (and re-configure, and re-re-
configure!) the appropriate Agent settings to allow my
batch files to run, to no avail.
I also waited in vain for an opportunity to flag a
particular batch file as OK to run when Mr. Beta stopped
it, again to no avail.
I uninstalled this product and will continue to use
Yahoo's AntiSpy until I see a production version of MS