Cause of "The Memory Could Not Be Read" Error Message

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
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I want to know what is the common cause of "The Memory Could Not Be
Read" Error Message in applications? For example,

Is that error message caused by buffer overflow? or it is unknown but
related to memory management errors?

I saw similar error messages in IE, Firefox, outlook, and some other
windows applications. Any ideas what's the major or common cause of
this error message?

please advise. thanks,
The most common cause is poorly written applications, and in particular
spy/adware. Generally happens when they try to read data from protected
storage areas.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
I see a lot of people having those errors, including me:
- It doesnt seem to be a hardware problem, since most of the posters
report no hardware failures after testing. (checked it, nor errors in
mem86, prime95)
-also changing hardware doesnt help
-people checked their system for any form of malware. negative,
-It appears randomly, in random applications. (firefox,ie,wmv,etc...)
so poorly written software appears to be doubtful.
-it starts over sudden, without any indicator what caused it
-its very common thesedays with windows. google shows 117 billion

both win2k and xp where very stable for a long time for me. But now i
feel reminded of the good ol' days with win98 getting blue time after
time. problem is: i have this error nearly every day now!
so: whats happening? My PC is on the way of becoming unuseable. please
Many of us have this problem because it is caused by Microsoft's poorly
written software.
Not Malware.
Flash player 9, or any version of flashplayer, no longer seems to work with
IE ever since the June 2006 updates.
At that update several security updates changed the way IE operates, and
third party addins don't play very nice with IE anymore.
If you open and close multiple Flash windows during a session, sometimes it
will simply stop responding, (IE) and when you close everything down, you get
the Windows IE error, and "The memory could not be read." thing, along with
the memory address.
Microsoft is VERY aware of the problem, but is refusing to do anything about
I think they are pissed at any third party addins because they can't claim
them for their own.
Like Java, and Flash.
All you can do for the time being is switch to another browser if the
problem is that annoying.