Caught in Microsoft's Catch 22

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim
  • Start date Start date


I need help finding someone at Microsoft Support with
whom I can communicate my problem. The system won't let
me in.
I bought a stand-alone copy of PowerPoint for my laptop
one year ago. It is not an upgrade, but a $100 stand
alone. My laptop crashed. I bought a desktop this week
with Offic Basic (no PowerPoint since I already have a
copy) and attempted to load PP today. Setup stops
because it cannot locate "Qualifying software" on my PC.
When I attempt to contact Microsoft Support I must have
the PIN for PP...which can only be obtained by selecting
Help, About when the program is up and running. Catch 22.
Can somebody please help?
They'll probably tell you what I'm going to tell you - - you have an upgrade
disk, not a full product. The upgrade disk is the only one that looks for a
qualifying product and it costs about $109. The full version costs about
$230 and doesn't look for a qualifying product. Look closely at the box and
the label on the CD. You'll probably find the word Upgrade there.
Another solution,
Install an older version of pp, then install your upgrade version (BTW what
version is it an upgrade from?) Where you get the older version is your
business - but fyi it's not uncommon to see free "abandonware" in dusty
corners of offices etc...

I was at our transfer station (where we throw our trash) today and they have
"Swap shack" (one man's junk is another man's treasure) - within was a full
Macintosh - probably OS8 with what would have been (when new) 100s of
dollars of software including an earlier version of Office...
