I have for some time now used my calender to remind me when to pay my
bills and to track paid and unpaid bills by color categoryI have a color for
Paid and colors for Credit cards; loans; Utilities etc. Prviously to 2007 I
could change a single item in a series to the paid category and the rest of
the series remained unchanged. 2007 automatically changes the entire series
and I can't find a way around it. I could probably write a macro someday when
I have time but I still feel really aggravated that the programming team
would slip up like that and the beta testing process lets so much slip by.
Can anyone offer some help so I can go back to marking each bill paid
without distrubing the series? Doers anyone else use outllook for bill
tracking and have any other sly tips for the rest of us?
bills and to track paid and unpaid bills by color categoryI have a color for
Paid and colors for Credit cards; loans; Utilities etc. Prviously to 2007 I
could change a single item in a series to the paid category and the rest of
the series remained unchanged. 2007 automatically changes the entire series
and I can't find a way around it. I could probably write a macro someday when
I have time but I still feel really aggravated that the programming team
would slip up like that and the beta testing process lets so much slip by.
Can anyone offer some help so I can go back to marking each bill paid
without distrubing the series? Doers anyone else use outllook for bill
tracking and have any other sly tips for the rest of us?