Catch Try Finally Weirdness

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cameron Frasnelly
  • Start date Start date

Cameron Frasnelly

The second to last lin of code in the below sub is causing VS2003 to tell me
that "Name 'SqlDR' is not declared" when obviously it is. It's also used
just fine in the main code... any ideas????

*****CODE BELOW****

Public Sub loadWOFromKEY()


'Setup the connection

Dim connObj As SqlConnection = New

'Setup the command to execute

Dim cmdObj As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("spWorkOrderFull_byKEY", connObj)

cmdObj.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

'----add parameter to stored procedure

Dim myParm As SqlParameter = cmdObj.Parameters.Add("@WorkOrderKEY",

myParm.Value = 3333

'Open the connection


'Grab the data into a reader object

Dim sqlDR As SqlDataReader = cmdObj.ExecuteReader()

If sqlDR.HasRows = False Then

Me._ProblemTitle = "No Rows"

End If

'----LOTS O WORK - Get the column values

Dim tmpString As String = sqlDR.GetName(0) 'Testing


Me._WorkOrderKEY = sqlDR.GetInt16(0)

Me._Problem = sqlDR.GetString(sqlDR.GetOrdinal("Problem"))

Me._Priority = sqlDR.GetInt16(sqlDR.GetOrdinal("Priority"))

Me._ReceiveNOW = sqlDR.GetDateTime(sqlDR.GetOrdinal("ReceiveNOW"))



Catch ex As Exception

Me._Problem = ex.Message.ToString



End Try
Cameron Frasnelly said:
The second to last lin of code in the below sub is causing VS2003 to
tell me that "Name 'SqlDR' is not declared" when obviously it is.
It's also used just fine in the main code... any ideas????

It's not declared in the finally block, only in the try block. So, it's
scope is block level.

Declare it at procedure level:

dim sqlDR as SqlDatareader



end try
Don't declare your variables in a TRY

declare them outside the try statement and instnatiate within the try


Dim sqlCommand as SqlCommand


sqlCommand = new SQLCOmmand()


end try
The second to last lin of code in the below sub is causing VS2003 to
tell me that "Name 'SqlDR' is not declared" when obviously it is.
It's also used just fine in the main code... any ideas????

Are you referring to the line in the Finally clause? If so, then no, it is
not declared. You declared the variable inside the Try clause. Since
Vb.Net now has block level scoping, the variable is not visible in the
finally clause. You will need to move the Dim statement outside the Try
for it to be visible throughout the sub.

The second to last lin of code in the below sub is causing VS2003 to tell me
that "Name 'SqlDR' is not declared" when obviously it is. It's also used
just fine in the main code... any ideas????
No sqwlDR is not defined (in the current scope).

The Try Block (of the Try/Finally statement) introduces a new scope,
variables defined with in the Try block itself are local to that block. Any
Catch clause blocks & the Finally block are different scopes from the Try

You are trying to use the sqlDR variable in the Finally block.

What I normally do is define the variables outside the try/finally
statement. Then in the Finally block, if its not Nothing dispose of it.
Public Sub loadWOFromKEY()

Dim sqlDR As SqlDataReader

sqlDR = cmdObj.ExecuteReader()

If Not sqlDR Is Nothing Then
End If

Of course if you use the ExecuteReader with the CommandBehavior of Close
connection then the Finally is not needed.

Dim sqlDR As SqlDataReader =

Hope this helps