If I enter a new topic I don't get your topic was submitted...
If I enter in a duplicate I do get teh duplicate error message. What
am I doing wrong?
Catch ex As Data.SqlClient.SqlException
'Throw New ApplicationException("An error occurred while
trying to insert the record")
If TopicTxt.Text = "" Then
Lbloutcome.Text = "Your topic was submitted into the
Lbloutcome1.Text = "Duplicate entry topic already in
database, topic was not submitted"
End If
If I enter in a duplicate I do get teh duplicate error message. What
am I doing wrong?
Catch ex As Data.SqlClient.SqlException
'Throw New ApplicationException("An error occurred while
trying to insert the record")
If TopicTxt.Text = "" Then
Lbloutcome.Text = "Your topic was submitted into the
Lbloutcome1.Text = "Duplicate entry topic already in
database, topic was not submitted"
End If