I've a web site with a classic asp login page, another where in a textbox i
write a sql query and a third that shows the resulset of the query....
Now i want to create an asp.net application that have only one page with 2
textbox for login, a textbox where i'll write the sql query and a textbox
where shows the html of the previuos third page with the resultset of the
i try using the HttpWebRequest Class but when i try my app my browser shows
me a 500 server error or SSL/TLS error...
where i can find any example to resolve my problem?
write a sql query and a third that shows the resulset of the query....
Now i want to create an asp.net application that have only one page with 2
textbox for login, a textbox where i'll write the sql query and a textbox
where shows the html of the previuos third page with the resultset of the
i try using the HttpWebRequest Class but when i try my app my browser shows
me a 500 server error or SSL/TLS error...
where i can find any example to resolve my problem?