Catch html of a page..

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lorenzo
  • Start date Start date


I've a web site with a classic asp login page (https), another where in a
textbox i write a sql query and a third that shows the resulset of the

Now i want to create an application that have only one page with 2
textbox for login, a textbox where i'll write the sql query and a textbox
where shows the html of the previuos third page with the resultset of the

i try using the HttpWebRequest Class but when i try my app my browser shows
me a 500 server error or SSL/TLS error...

where i can find any example to resolve my problem?

The problem is that the result set is embedded in the html of the page
opened when the sql query is posted

i cannot access directly to the sql db..
Scott said:
Sound like you may want to step through some of these tutorials to get
started in the right direction:

1st: learn how to quote.
2nd: maybe u cannot understand what i would...

when i post a sql query (writes in a textbox) the asp classic application
send the query to another page where the query will be processed by sql
server. then the application creates an html page within the resultset of
the query (with a <table>).

The only way to execute query is to: log in the application, go in the query
builder page and then wait for the page with resutlset.
Now i would create an aspx page where all of this steps will be fired whit
one click.

Hope this help u to understand...

I think I see what you are looking for. It is often reffered to as
"screen scraping".

Here are a couple examples:

Screen Scraping with C# for ASP.NET

Easy .NET Screen Scraping

Screen Scrapes in ASP.NET

I think you'll see they are all pretty similar and use the
System.Net.WebClient class to fetch HTML from another web page.

Does this help?
