Catch Checkbox events

  • Thread starter Thread starter Phuff
  • Start date Start date


Hi all. I know I can catch individual events in a sub by handling the
check state for a particular checkbox, but what if I was to catch for
all check boxes? I need to check for whcih checkbox was clicked so I
can pass that info into a variable for a select/case statement. Any

....I was thinking a mouse down event to get a point, but I think I need
to somehow convert that to a string to compare to checkbox locations



(e-mail address removed)
Hi Paul,

You could store the necessary SELECT statement inside the tag property of the CheckBox. Have all CheckBoxes subscribe to the same CheckChanged event and assemble the SELECT string by going through all CheckBoxes and use the Tag property to assemble the proper parts.

Thanks for the response. That sounds like it might work, I will go try
it. I hope I didn't confuse with my semantics...not select as in SQL
but a Case/Switch statement. I'm doing this in VB so its

Select Case variable

Case evaluated_to
'do this
Case evaluated_to
'do this
End Select

What I need is that when a checkbox is checked I know which one was.
Then instead of a bunch of if statements I use a case statement to
determine which box and I can take action based on that. The action is
actually determining which column name should be used to describe their
data. They might have a First Name and Last Name column whereas I need
Full name. So they click a chkbox and a column and I know what their
column actually is, then I can map it correctly. This way I can get an
address file in any format and get the data I need in righ format.
this mapping control allows user to describe their data so it can
account for anything. I've seen people put Street number in one
column, street name in another, city and state in the next, 5 digit zip
next, and then the carrier route in another. Obviously that format
isn't USPS standards conforming so I need to parse it and combine as
needed to apply this list to mailings.

What I might ttry also is to create a custom message and have the
checkbox throw it when checked with the wParam as an indicator of which
box was checked, then I can catch that to figure it out.

Thanks for the help!!